Trader Paid Membership

Williamstown Chamber of Commerce Paid Member
Williamstown Chamber of Commerce supports, assists and promotes traders and businesses via emailed newsletters and social media channels where we boast thousands of followers across Instagram and Facebook. Our member base has increased significantly over the last 6 months and still growing.
If you are a local Williamstown business owner and would like to register to become a member of the Williamstown Chamber of Commerce, please follow theses instructions.
You must be a business trader located in Williamstown 3016 and will need to provide business details at the time of applying for your membership.
Your annual Membership fee of $130 entitles your business:
- To a listing in the Visit Williamstown Trader Directory. Increasing the opportunity for discovery by the local community and tourists.
- Exposure via social media stories or other seasonal marketing initiatives across Visit Williamstown social accounts.
- Access to information on initiatives, business development, networking opportunities, news and activities of interest or benefit to your business.
- Inclusion on the Visit Williamstown Trader's Mailing list to keep updated with all of the events, news and activities which may be of interest to your business.
- Direct contact to our dedicated Trader Liaison Officer to raise issues important to you and your business.
- Invitation to attend the monthly Williamstown Chamber of Commerce committee meetings.
- Members have access to a Trader Portal via a unique log in where you'll find additional business support resources.
- Feature in Website Event Promotions
- Feature in Social Channels Stories, Carousels, Individual Posts Annually
- Invitation to Member Only Social, Networking and Workshop Events
- Committee Advocacy to Strategic Partners for Issues Important to your Business (Local Council and State Govt Bodies).